How Do You Get Paid By Blogging: Must Know Truths!


You might have heard that people are making money through blogging, and that prompts you to ask, « How Do You Get Paid By Blogging? » Well,  the answer is not far off.

This blog post will discuss how people make money from blogging, what they do and how they do it, and how you too can start doing what they are doing and make money for yourself.

If you have been curious to know exactly how people get paid to blog, then continue reading, as I will be revealing that to you in a this blog post and also giving an overview of how you too can replicate what they do and get paid too.


How Do You Get Paid By Blogging?


You can actually get paid by simply blogging, but first of all, you must know what is involved so as to know exactly what to do, and I will be revealing that to you in a bit below.

People get paid blogging by displaying ads from ad networks on their blogs, or they sign up for affiliate marketing programs and get commissions for each sale they make, or they sell their own products and services on their blogs.

There are many ways bloggers get paid from blogging, but I am only going to mention the most popular ways that bloggers get paid from blogging as follows:


Ad Networks


Here, bloggers simply sign up on contextual ad platforms such as Google AdSense, MoneTag, Adsterra, Ezoic, etc., they get approved, and start displaying ads from these ad networks on their blogs, and get paid for clicks, visits, and impressions that come from those display ads.

Companies pay these ad networks to help them advertise their products, then these ad networks take a percentage, and the rest goes to the website owners that serve these ads to their blog visitors.

These ad networks serve as middlemen between the advertisers and the bloggers; after serving these ads, bloggers get paid at the end of the month or at a set time interval for withdrawal, and the money goes to their accounts.


Affiliate Marketing


In affiliate marketing, bloggers simply sign up as affiliates on some affiliate marketing websites such as ImpactRadius, ShareAsale, Clickbank, etc. and then display products from these platforms on their blogs.

They then get commissions for each sale that they bring through their unique affiliate link and then get paid to their accounts at set commission withdrawal dates.


Products And Services


Here, bloggers simply sell their own products, either physical or digital products, such as eBooks, videos, coaching, webinars, PDFs, etc., on their websites and make money for themselves through the sales of those products.

Bloggers can also get paid by offering their skills as services on their blogs. Readers will reach out to them, requesting a service, and then they offer the service to their blog readers and get paid after offering the service.


Coaching And training


Bloggers can also get paid by organizing training and coaching sessions for their blog readers. They teach about a topic that they know very well about, and people pay them to learn about it from them through the training or coaching sessions.


Frequently Asked Questions


How Do Beginner Bloggers Make Money?


The best way for beginner bloggers to make money from their blogs is by displaying ads on their website and then getting paid for the clicks and impressions that those ads bring.

This is by far the easiest method beginner blogs can use to make money from their blogs, as it does not require much work on your part. Just have traffic coming to your blog, and you will be sure to earn some money from those displayed ads on your blog.


Do Bloggers Get Paid For Views?


Bloggers only get paid for ad clicks and ad impressions from the ads that they display on their blogs and not for page views; it is through page views that they can get ad clicks and ad impressions and then get paid for them.


How Many Blog Posts Do You Need to Make Money?


There are no minimum or maximum requirements on the number of posts you can have on your blog before you make money from it, but you must have a good number of posts on your blog in order to get approved by any ad network that you wish to sign up for.

And also, you must have good, informative posts on your blog to be able to get sales from your own personal products, services, or the affiliate links that you place on your website.


How much does Blogger pay For 1,000 Views?


The rate that bloggers get paid for 1000 views of ads displayed on their blogs, which is called ad impressions, varies in all of the ad networks, so there is no fixed amount of money that bloggers earn from getting 1000 ad impressions on their blog.




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Conclusion: How Do You Get Paid By Blogging?


Bloggers do really make money from blogging, and they get paid huge amounts of money at the end of every month from ad networks, affiliate programs, and even their own personal products and services.

But, for you to achieve such goals and start getting paid from blogging, you must first of all build a good blog in a very profitable niche, write contents on it, rank those contents on search engines, or promote them using other means to get traffic coming to your website.


You must enjoy the pain that comes along with embarking on the journey of blogging. Though there is money in blogging, it doesn’t come at no cost.

There is a price to be paid for you to start getting paid from blogging; you must invest in setting up your blog, invest in writing content, or pay others to write the contents for you, and then promote those contents to attract visitors to your blog.


After doing the necessary things, you can be sure to apply to ad networks and affiliate marketing programs and get paid from blogging, or you can create your own products and services, display them on your blog, and get paid from every user that orders your products or services.

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