Expert Truths: Can You Start A Blog On Facebook?


I have seen this same question flying around all over the internet on whether you can start a blog on Facebook or not, and if you are one of those asking this question, then I will be addressing your concerns in this blog post.

This question is being asked many times by newbies who wish to start their own blog but are confused about where to start or who don’t have the resources to procure the things needed for a standalone blog.


In this blog post, I will dispel any forms of myth associated with « Can you start a blog on Facebook? » and I will also be telling you the pros and cons of using Facebook for blogging and the benefits of using the traditional blogging platforms.

Just continue reading as I introduce this to you in a few minutes of reading.



Expert Truths: Can You Start A Blog On Facebook?


The idea of blogging has expanded beyond traditional platforms in the constantly changing digital world. A lot of prospective authors and content producers are curious about how to establish a blog on Facebook.

It is, after all, a platform with a sizable user base and a wide range of features. In this post, i will examine the advantages of maintaining a standalone blog on a platform like WordPress or Blogger versus the potential and restrictions of utilizing Facebook as your blogging platform.


The leading social networking platform in the world, Facebook, does have a function that enables users to create lengthy postings for their on a page. In essence, this functionality might be used as a temporary blog.

It is true that you can use Facebook for blogging but not without some challenges and Here is a list of the benefits and drawbacks with using Facebook for a blogging platform.




The Pros Of Blogging On Facebook


Built-In Audience


There are already more than 3billion active members on Facebook. You can immediately reach a sizable prospective audience by starting your blog here.


Multimedia Integration


You can easily incorporate different types of media, such as photographs, videos, and live streams, into your posts on Facebook to create engaging and dynamic content.



Even novice users can easily produce and share contents on Facebook because of its user-friendly design.

Social Sharing


Your content can spread quickly and gain a wider audience thanks to the built-in sharing options.




The Cons of Blogging on Facebook



Limited Monetization Options


The lack of viable revenue options is arguably the biggest flaw. Facebook doesn’t provide many possibilities for making money off of your material, unlike independent blogging platforms.


Lack Of control


You give up control of your content when you use Facebook as your main platform for blogging. The visibility of your content may change depending on the constantly evolving platform algorithms.

Branding Challenges


It might be difficult to establish a distinctive brand identity on Facebook because your content appears within the Facebook ecosystem rather than on your own specific domain.


Competitive Landscape


It can be difficult to stand out and establish yourself as an authority in when blogging on Facebook because there are so many content creators there.



The Superiority of StandAlone Blogs



Now that we’ve looked at the pros and cons of blogging on Facebook, let’s make a comparison with running a personal blog on a platform like WordPress or Blogger.


Monetization Freedom


Independent blogs offer diverse monetization options, including ad placement, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling digital products. This versatility can significantly boost your income potential.


Full Control


You have total control over the content, look, and feel of your own blog. Platform updates and algorithm modifications do not affect you.



Independent blogs appear more professional and are easy to identify as reliable sources in your industry.

SEO Benefits


Excellent SEO plugins and tools are available through blogging platforms like WordPress to help you rank better in search engine results and increase organic traffic.


What Is A Personal Blog On Facebook?


A personal blog on Facebook is simply a page that you can use to share contents with your followers and also utilize creator tools there on Facebook to manage your personal page, otherwise known as a personal blog.


Do Bloggers Make Money On Facebook?


Yes! People that share contents on Facebook do make money, and they do this by using the Facebook content monetization tool to monetize their contents after meeting the requirements, and they make some revenue from those contents they share on Facebook.


Is It Better To Have A Blog Or A Facebook Page?



From my personal perspective and experiences, I will say that it is better to have a standalone blog than to make Facebook your blogging platform, as you will have limited control over your contents and limited control over the monetization of your contents there on Facebook.




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Conclusion On Can You Start A Blog On Facebook?



While it is possible to start a blog on Facebook, there are several restrictions that are mostly concerned with profitability and control.

The decision to use a standalone platform like WordPress or Blogger is more practical and beneficial for people who want to build a genuine, money-making site.

These platforms give you the freedom and power necessary to build your brand, online presence, and revenue streams, putting you on the road to successful blogging.


It is now a known fact that you can start a blog on Facebook, but you simply cannot compare it to a standalone blog where you have full control over the blog and the monetization aspect as well.

In the end, what suits me might not suit you, so just experiment and do what works for you. Let me know your opinions on this topic in the comments below.



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