5 Ways to Remove Adsense Ad Serving Limit in 7 Days


Adsense ad serving limit is a measure that Google AdSense implements on publishers accounts in order to help curb any possible earnings fraud that Google AdSense publishers might get involved in to increase their earnings.

When an ad serving limit is placed on your AdSense account, that is not the end of your journey with AdSense, as the ad serving limit can be removed within 7 days or 30 days, as the case may be.

In this blog post, I will be discussing with you 5 Ways to Remove Adsense Ad Serving Limit in 7 Days. Mind you, these methods work effectively, and you can implement them any time you receive an ad serving limit on your Adsense account, and they will work.


What Causes Adsense Ad Limits?


There are many factors that could bring about an ad serving limit on your AdSense account, but there are two main known factors:


1. Account being accessed

2. Invalid traffic concerns

The two factors mentioned above are similar as they all have to do with traffic activities on your website that might bring about a possible ad serving limit on your AdSense account.

The account being accessed has to do with the Google AdSense team accessing your account to get some information on your sources of traffic, so as such, they placed the ad serving limit to enable them to carry out such functions, and these will normally be reviewed and removed automatically.


Invalid traffic concerns have to do with the traffic coming to your website and what the users are doing on the website: the pages they visit, how long they stay, the browsers and IP addresses used, and how they click on ads on your website.

When an ad serving limit is placed on your account for any of the above reasons, be sure that it will be reviewed and removed automatically.


But « Hey ». Waiting for these ad serving limits to be reviewed and removed automatically can take forever, right?

So there must be a way to remove this ad serving limit on our websites within a few days. If you wish to know what to do, then continue reading as I show you how to remove the ad serving limit on your Adsense account in just 7 days.


How To Remove the Adsense Ad Serving Limit in 7 Days


So you are eager to know how to remove the AdSense ad serving limit in just 7 days, right? Then continue reading as I share some very effective methods with you on how to remove the AdSense ad serving limit from your AdSense account in just 7 days.

And mind you, these methods are very effective if you follow the instructions and do as stated below without excluding any of the instructions given, so without further Ado, let’s dive right in here:


Stop All Adsense ads.


When you get the ad serving limit on your Adsense account, the first thing to do is stop all ads on your website.

You might have heard some experts say that this doesn’t help, but here I am telling you to do it because we have done it for many of our clients here on Byteral and it works, and that is why I am telling you to do this first.

Go ahead and remove all AdSense ads codes from your website. If you don’t know where you have put the AdSense codes, then you would do well to use the Chrome site inspection tool to inspect your website and find out where the codes are placed, then remove them.

chrome inspection tool

Use the Chrome Inspection Tool.

Get Organic traffic.


After removing all AdSense ads from your website, you need to stop all forms of paid traffic coming to your website and allow only organic traffic to your website.

By doing this, you are letting Google know that your website is in compliance with AdSense policies and that you don’t have any form of invalid traffic coming to your website. This will help to remove the ad serving limit placed on your account.


Create New Ad units.


Another effective way to remove the AdSense ad limit is to trash all AdSense ad units and create new ones, then place them back on your website and allow it to receive impressions from only organic traffic sources.

Doing this will help prevent the old ad units from reaching their daily ad impression limit, so go ahead and implement this as well, as it works very effectively.


Spread All Ad Units evenly.


You should never cluster your AdSense ads, as this will cause accidental clicks, which can bring about an ad serving limit on your AdSense account.

But if you already have an ad serving limit on your AdSense account, you can help remove it by spreading your ads on all content-rich pages of your website so as to avoid any ad unit reaching its daily impression limit.


Change Ads Location


Yes! You should change your ads location, or rather, the type of ads. This works, and you should give it a try. Once you get this ad serving limit, you should try as much as possible to change your ads location or the types of ads you are using on your website.

If you are using auto ads before the ads limit, then you should change to manual ads placement, and vice versa. Doing this will help to reduce the number of accidental clicks, which will be seen as invalid clicks by Google AdSense.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Does the Ad Serving Limit Last?


Ad serving limits usually last for 30 days on your AdSense account if you do nothing about them, and they could even take longer than that in some cases, especially if it is your first ad serving limit.

But if you follow the instructions and tips given here, then you can get the ad serving limit removed from your Adsense account in just a matter of 7 days.


How Many Ads Can We Put in Adsense?


You can put as many AdSense ads as you want on your website, but from my personal experience working on clients websites, I will tell you to use anywhere from 5 to 10 ads max on your website, as follows:


  • 1 Header ad
  • 1 Footer ad
  • 2 Sidebar ads
  • 1 Before Content
  • 1 after content
  • In-Between Contents

The rest can be in-between posts, as many as you want, depending on how long your website articles are and the settings you have set on your ad inserter plugin.


READ ALSO: 10 Effective Tips to Avoid Adsense Ads Limit Forever


Conclusion on Removing the Adsense Ad Serving Limit


Adsense ad serving limit is never the end to your journey of monetizing your website with Google AdSense; it is only a temporary thing that can be removed in just a matter of a few days, with the exception of if you get your account suspended or disabled.

If you follow the above 5 ways, you can easily remove the ad serving limit on your AdSense account in just a matter of seven days. If you need us to handle the whole process for you, you can check out our ad serving limit removal service here on Byteral, and we will be happy to help you out.

Share with me your opinion, questions, and concerns in the comment below, and tell me how you were able to remove the AdSense ad serving limit from your AdSense account so others can learn from your experiences.



4 réponses à “5 Ways to Remove Adsense Ad Serving Limit in 7 Days”

  1. […] You can remove Google AdSense ad serving limit by following some practical steps as outlined in this in-depth article: 5 Ways To Remove Adsense Ad Serving Limit In 7 Days […]

  2. […] 5 Ways to Remove Adsense Ad Serving Limit in 7 Days […]

  3. Thanks for this wonderful insight, this really help me a lots.

    1. Glad you find this helpful

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